Making your own bias tape from a rectangular piece of fabric

If you sew garments, and dislike facings like I do, you will have made or considered making your own bias binding. When you can't find the material, size, and colour you need, it's certainly handy to know how to make it yourself, whether you make it from the same fabric as your garment, or choose a contrasting option. Bias strips are also very handy if you want to create your own piping.

I'm certainly a fan of contrasting bias binding or piping. If you choose a patterned fabric for your bias binding or piping, the insides of your garment hold a nice little surprise for the wearer!

I've tried various ways to make my own binding. There are hundreds of tutorials covering the continuous method online, but the ones I have seen instruct you to use a square of fabric. As I like to use fat quarters or offcuts of fabric to make binding, I didn't like the scraps I'd end up with after cutting my piece into a square. There isn't much you can do with those!

After experimenting with a rectangular piece of paper and doing some research online, I came across a way of making bias binding from a rectangular piece of fabric. Best of all, depending on how wide your bias strips are, you end up with little to no waste!
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